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Celebrating One Year of Parent Like It Matters!

Lauren Butler

While Parent Like It Matters as a solo practiced was established in 2022, we are celebrating 1 year as a group practice today! It was a dream turned into reality within only 2 short months with the help of so many people I love jumping in to support me like never before; my grandparents came to build furniture with me in between my own sessions, my best friend painted a huge flower mural with me at crazy hours of the night, my husband and kids were (and continue to be) so supportive of the growth & change, and the mentors in my life pushed me to move forward even when it seemed like such a crazy idea.

I look around today so incredibly thankful for the absolutely incredible team of therapists I have working alongside of me. Each and every one of them is the real deal, let me tell you! They each bring so many unique skills, trainings and background to the table, and it just an honor to be apart of. Kelly, Ashlyn, MK, Heidi, Tracey, and Lisa- thank you for being apart of my vision and helping me grow this amazing place!

I am continuing to look forward to a bright future working with children, parents and families in so many different capacities and continuing to learn how best to meet the need of our community. It will always be my strongest desire and biggest prayer to have a space that feels like home for kids who are tackling really hard things and to help parents learn how to create a childhood that their kids won't need to heal from. It is truly an honor to have a front row seat at the stories of healing that are happening each and every day!

With so much gratitude,

Lauren Butler, MSW, LCSW

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